Christi Holder

Senior Executive Assistant for the Cloud Division, Microsoft Corporation

“I had the opportunity of working with Nina Schloegel. I was very impressed with how adaptable and professional she is, listening to my team’s goals and desires. My goal was to bring a unique growth opportunity to the first layer of my team of executive admins. Forming a more cohesive and effective team, and spark ideas of how they would be leading their administrative team equipped with renewed awareness of themselves moving forward. How we relate to each other and honor each other without the expense of ourselves. Nina and her co-facilitator were very knowledgeable in what they presented and provided great activities and hands on experience in the two-day workshop. Since the workshop, I have noticed the efforts in my team members and we have made strides to work seamlessly together, with their teams and managers.”

Bill Hyatt

ABACA Principal Engineer

“Nina presents herself well in public and has great leadership and speaking skills.

Rarely do I come across a person with such high qualities as Nina.

She is astute, intelligent, outgoing, honest, and, most importantly to me, she has a strong faith. One of her talents is she interacts well with others, treating all with respect.”

Naomi Quain

Guild Mortgage Project Specialist

“Nina has been a huge instrument in directing me towards the paths I should focus on to achieve success. I can honestly say that NO ONE has ever helped me reach the levels that she has and it’s taken months to put into words what this wonderful woman has done. I can’t express enough how thankful I am for Nina and her support/ability to push me to be who I am called to be.”

Lavie Gallegos


“I was tired and frustrated with not being able to send someone to do my banking or talk to my doctors when I could not. Sometimes it was hard understanding new systems in the doctor’s office or the bank enough to explain to my son and daughter and have them help me. Especially when my paperwork was lost at the Medicaid office. My granddaughter was a big help but due to the HIPPA and other privacy laws no one could give out information without me being present.

Coach Nina presented me and my family the best solution to handle these situations. A straightforward process of getting my accounts in order and how to give permission legally to my doctor’s, my bank and the state to talk to my family for my benefit. I wanted to put my granddaughter in charge of my accounts because she seemed to know what needed to be done. Coach Nina helped me to understand that not only was my permission necessary for my granddaughter to obtain information, but permission from my son and daughter were important to build trust in taking care of me and putting my granddaughter as first POA contact.

I am so glad that my granddaughter, daughter and son work together to get clarification for me. We were prepared when we had the power of attorney papers drawn up. Now my doctor’s appointments are much more effective. In addition, my granddaughter can get information from the bank when she helps me with paying my bills.”

C. Brown

Retired Teacher   

“I am 65 years young; many would think by now I should have it together, and if not, it is too late. Going through the process with Coach Nina was wondrously dynamic and significant for me. I understand the purpose of the process is to support me in aligning my core values and goals so that I live each day with positivity, intention, and action. In my reflection exercise, my deepest desire came to light. Buried under all the pressures of daily life was my desire to dance. Since that moment of clarity, I have joined a couple of rec center dance classes during the week to feed my soul what it desires most.”

D. Ashley

Special Education

“I recommend Coach Nina because of the effectiveness of her coaching style. It’s as though the stress and other intrusive emotions holding me back are trimmed away as I reach for my dreams. I have found coaching to be a great support, especially on the days I did not know what I wanted or where I was headed.  It is validating and motivating. I have a partner in Coach Nina and she gently pushes so that I acknowledge what I already know and can put it into action. Before coaching, I was skirting depression and coping with unfulfilling work. Now, after happily pursuing a career in Education, I have graduated with my Master’s in Special Education and have a fulfilling career.”

R. McNeal

Marketing Enrollment Consultant

“It is amazing to see how quickly my life has transformed after participating in coaching sessions with Coach Nina. My family background dictates that a person ‘has to be strong’ to survive the hardships in this life. While that is true, the second piece of the puzzle is the contingent upon the development of positive thoughts and ideas coupled with a belief in oneself. Coach Nina’s calming voice and supportive spirit enabled me to manifest a long-term goal of helping ‘at risk’ youth into a current reality. Coach Nina and I have worked together in just two months so far. Within that short period of time, I am more confident to move forward and transform my dreams into reality. She encourages you to reach for the stars. Due to her natural ability to listen to the meaning, she may offer a suggestion that inspires deep thought. I highly recommend Coach Nina to anyone who has an interest in creating a different reality for themselves.”

Debbie A.

Marketing Assistant

“Coach Nina is one of the kindest souls you will ever meet. She is supportive and caring; genuine in her desire to assist.”

P. Delaney

Operations Trainer for Boeing

“I wish I would have hired Nina as a coach many years ago! Her powerful questions cause me to dig deep and clarify the real goals I'm aiming for so that I'm able to move forward with more success in my life!”

R. Rodriguez

College/Law student

“Coaching is unlike any other experience in my life. It is amazing! The idea of having a coach scared me at first but the idea grew on me. Nina and I came into the partnership as strangers and because she had no obligation to “make me feel good” because she knew me was important and valuable to me. I can trust what Coach Nina means; whatever she says, good or bad.”


Attorney at Law

“You transformed my life and I owe you a great deal. I'm following through with my plan that you helped me put together. The pressure of law school is over, and I have a job lined up in San Antonio. I feel really good about the direction my life is headed in and can't wait to see what is ahead. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do what I love, and help others along the way. I really can't thank you enough for providing me with the tools that have supported me to succeed.”

Victoria B. Johnson

Event Planner

“This has been an eye-opening experience. Coach Nina pushed me to look at myself; the way I speak, think, react and act. This has helped me realize the type of person I want to be and helped me understand that it is entirely up to me to make it possible.”

Roberta Duquette

Travel Consultant

“Working with Coach Nina was the best thing my brother and I could have done for our mother who celebrated her 92nd birthday this year. After my mother’s social security check was negatively affected and her Medicaid benefits were cut due to a clerical error in the re-application process, we were not sure how to fix it. Coach Nina and her resources gave us information and a plan of action to remedy the situation quickly. Once the correct people were contacted and the issue was identified by the Medicaid State office, my mother’s benefits were re-instated. Coach Nina took the time in explaining the best practice moving forward and how to prevent this from happening again. I could go on and on about the benefits we have received by meeting with Coach Nina. I encourage you to contact her and get a little piece of mind. The support she provided us is invaluable.”

Lucy Baca

Insurance Sales Analyst 

“Nina is a life coach that helps you navigate what you want in life on your own. Some life coaches have a tendency to provide their clients with their opinion on what the next step should be or what they are thinking at that point in time. Nina has always been good about keeping her personal opinions out of the picture to ensure that her clients are ultimately the only ones influencing their decisions. I also appreciate how Nina goes above and beyond with external resources for her clients. She will go out of her way to recommend a book, video, or article for me to look over that is relevant to the current issues I am dealing with. It not only shows that she provides a wealth of guidance, but that she remembers and cares about her client’s needs.”

Dan C. Jordan

Business owner

“Coaching really helps you figure out the things in your life and allows you to realize them yourself so they ‘stick’ much better than someone telling you something that you may blow off.”

Quinn N


“I met Nina at a place of employment that I hated at the time. As we spoke, within 15 minutes, she and the way she viewed life and circumstances mesmerized me. I do not know if I can fully capture the way she has impacted my life. She has a touch that you will only experience once you are in a coaching situation with her. Anyone considering using Nina for personal coaching-it comes HIGHLY recommended. She will change your life-and it will be to push you to your fullest potential. She has truly been a beacon of light that has shown me the path.”

Charleen Dow

Assistant Associate at Charles Schwab

“Nina changed my life...she helped me to get through an extremely difficult time. To this day, I use the tools she gave me when times get rough...she is a true blessing! I highly recommend her!”

Kathy Pearce

Executive Business Administrator to the CVP of Enterprise Client and Mobility, Microsoft Corporation

“Nina facilitated a two-day ‘Discover Your Vision” Leadership offsite with my business support team. The offsite was a customized experiential learning process designed to focus on leadership, increased self-awareness, and cohesive alignment. The goal was for each individual to acquire and practice skills for relating to others in a genuine and honest way, perceiving others as they truly are, thinking holistically within relationships, and gaining practice for relevant and effective use of this skill set in the workplace and other settings in which authentic relationships are vital.

Through Nina’s supportive facilitation the team has built trust and cohesiveness, discovered inspiration and motivation, clarified their own core values, and created insights to productive accountability.

As a result, the team has moved to a deeper level of excellence through comfort and ease in their own authenticity, positive and effective relationships, efficiency and clarity in communication, and moving to true collaboration and partnership.

Although there is still great diversity in the team make-up, there is now a bias for awareness, wholeness, and balance, which ignites the team’s passion & fun. Productivity has increased and the team has really taken it to the next level in synchronicity, leadership and support.”

Matt Glenn

Software engineer

“I used to think that life coaches were a bunch of fluff that don’t provide any real value. Then I started reading that many successful people use life coaches. When Nina was recommended to me by a mutual friend, I figured I’d give it a shot. And I’m glad I did. 

Thanks to Nina, I’m far more self-aware and much more confident. I never felt like she was telling me what to do. Instead she guided me down a path that I wanted to go down but was lacking the confidence to do so. The conversations were like talking to a caring friend who doesn’t sugar coat what needs to be done to improve. This allowed me to relax and be open about whatever I needed help with. And I could trust any recommendations given.

I would recommend a life coach to anyone who wants to take their life to the next level. I recommend Coach Nina specifically because she takes the time to really understand where you are even before you start. She pushes you exactly as much as you need to be pushed and keeps the entire process enjoyable.”