Illuminate Your Spirit for Life
My Passion Is Teaching Techniques That Create The Most Value From A Diverse Team Dynamic.
Coaching is a covenant between two parties to create inspiration, provocation, and trust. The process of the transformative coaching model creates awareness of the individual’s and/or team’s potential promoting their values from within to live authentically in every situation of the day. In addition, to creating insight of the diverse makeup of a team, the process designs an environment of value, respect, and a non-judgmental space for exploration, therefore, creating the synergy for increased productivity.
Coaching Provides. . .
Support and acknowledgment
A neutral and safe environment
Honor of values and mission
Illumination for deep insight
Benefits of. . .
Clarifies focus
Creates insight to productive accountability
Increases employee satisfaction by 54% (MetrixGlobal, LLC)
Increases Productivity by 60% (MetrixGlobal, LLC)
Discover & Live Your Vision®
A transformational process facilitated by a trained and licensed professional coach. Living Your Vision® supporting clients in clarifying their vision, purpose, and core values.
Living Your Vision®
Visionary leaders who want to make extraordinary contributions in the world and to their corporation
Individuals who want to bring a dream to life, a new career or a creative project or want fulfillment and balance personally or professionally
Team leads who want synergy for a more productive work atmosphere
Couples and families wanting better understanding of each other and building community
Understanding the added value of each individual to a team Living Your Vision® provides the process elements of CLARITY of the vision, ALIGNMENT with purpose, and commitment to ACTION.
Powerful Language
Conversational Intelligence® is one of the many keys to success in life and business. It is not about how smart you are, but how open you are to learn new and effective, powerful conversational rituals that prime the brain for trust, partnership, and mutual success.
Nina applies her skill from her Masters in Organizational Leadership to facilitate a systematic approach and educate others on how to negotiate effective communication.
Speaking with clarity
Speaking clearly and with power is a skill that most people neglect when they want to set an example. Being true to who you are is about communicating it clearly with meaning.
How you come across in a conversation. Are you saying what you mean and meaning what you say?
Building trust in a relationship starts with genuine communication. You can be who you are and have sincere meaning in your words.
When you have defined the meaning of the words you use and your voice is confident and clear, people begin to listen. Respect and trust grow a working relationship that can be utilized in both the personal and professional areas of life.
Ask yourself; How do I want to represent myself to my team, to my family, or even to the outside world? Take out the fluff and stuff and set the trust meter high for a more productive and effective communication style.
Custom for you
customized programs can contribute immediate value to your organization. inquire about a custom one-on-one coaching program.
Nina has been a huge instrument in directing me towards the paths I should focus on to achieve success.
— Naomi Quain, Guild Mortgage Project Specialist
A Top 10 Service
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