Life giving you a lot to juggle?
It all started when…
I was visiting with my grandmother, and I started to noticed changes in her actions. She was slowing down as most of our loved ones do. Even the memories of the stories they tell will change. Some things however can be alarmingly different and will cause a need to seek medical attention. I had a discussion with my mother, and she noticed certain events regarding grandma too.
However, with the mounting responsibilities she had taken on, she felt overwhelmed. She also felt the guilt of the "what ifs." What if I miss something important, what if I am not doing enough. Thus, the Administrative of Personal Affairs Program was created. A Four-step process to benefit and support the Patient, the Care Giver, and the Medical Staff.
Juggling many things in your life, such as your family, career, and the day-to-day, while taking care of your parents or any loved one with medical and/or special needs, can be overwhelming.
As the sole caregiver, you may often wonder how you get it all done and not lose yourself. Most importantly there may have been some scenarios and/or questions that have entered your mind ...
Your parents came for a visit or you visited them for the holidays. You are noticing some changes with either your mom or dad. Such as memory loss or other medical concerns. What now?
How do I make sure my parents or loved ones have all the benefits they need?
Do I have the proper legal foundation and consent to care for my parents or loved ones properly?
How do I involve my family for help, without all the drama and stress?
Taking my loved ones to the doctor is so stressful and I always feel unprepared. How can I make the Doctor's visits less daunting and hard?
I have a good footing with my process, what am I missing?
Coach Nina will support you wherever you are in your process. From the pre-planning stage of "What now," to "What am I doing here?" and "What am I missing?" She will assist you in creating a more seamless and effective process to care for all the members of your family.
The benefits you receive from this program are:
Stronger relationships with family members
Strong and effective relationships with the medical staff at the doctors' offices
A streamlined and effective process that fits your lifestyle
Peace of mind that you are taking care of your loved ones to the best of your ability without sacrificing anything.
Book your complimentary information and assessment session with Coach Nina. It is never too late or too early to delegate or ask for help!